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Ashcroft Technology Academy

Ashcroft Technology Academy

Admissions Criteria


Specialist Places

Up to 24 places will be offered to those children with the highest score who choose to sit a separate technological aptitude test underpinning the Academy’s specialism in technology.  Please note that this is an optional test for children with a particular aptitude for technology.  Those choosing to sit this test must also apply through the general place criteria if seeking a place at Ashcroft Technology Academy.

All applicants for specialist places should complete a supplementary application form. They will then be invited to the Academy to take a short test for aptitude in Technology.  It should be noted the aptitude test does not apply to in year admissions.

General Places

All applicants for a Year 7 place (with the exception of those with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be placed in one of five bands based on their score in the Wandsworth Year 6 Non-Verbal Reasoning Test. Once the places for applicants with an EHCP and the Specialist places have been allocated, the remaining applicants will be allocated a place on the basis of the oversubscription criteria detailed below so that equal numbers are offered places from each band.

The criteria will be applied for each individual band in the order set out below:

  1. applicants looked after by the Local Authority and those who ceased to be looked after because they were adopted or because they became subject to a residence order or a special guardianship order;
  2. Applicants who have a sibling on roll at the Academy at the time the application is made (i.e. a full brother or sister, a step/half brother or sister living at the same address, and a child living as part of the family by reason of a court order.
  3. applicants whose parent(s) has been employed by the Academy for a minimum of two years at the time of application.
  4. applicants who live nearest the Academy using Wandsworth Council straight-line distance from home to school, as measured by Wandsworth Council’s Geographical Information System.

Appeal Arrangements

Applicants refused a place at the Academy will have the right to appeal against the decision to an independent admission appeal panel established under the School Standards & Framework Act 1998.

The following information, based on the 2023 intake, is a guide to give you a better idea of whether your child might be offered a place for September 2024. The situation can change from year to year.

  • Total number of applications received:     1169 (including 10 Education, Health & Care Plan)
  • Total number of places offered:                  240
  • Number of appeals heard:                            13
  • Number of successful appeals:                      1

The furthest distance offered per Band (in metres):

  March 2023 August 2023
Band A 2503 3791
Band B 1289 1321
Band C 1346 1387
Band D 1387 1387
Band E 1447 1450






Background Information

  • Applicants must reach the age of 11 during the year 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024 inclusive; immediately preceding entry to the Academy.
  • Each intake will, as far as possible, represent the full range of ability and will also reflect the social, economic and cultural character of the area.
  • All unsuccessful applicants will remain on the banded waiting list until 30 September 2024 (when the list expires) pending the occurrence of a vacancy. 
  • From 1 October unsuccessful applicants will be retained on the waiting list according to distance from the Academy until the end of the academic year should they wish to do so (unless they are subsequently offered a place).  They would then be contacted again at the end of that academic year asking again if they still wish to remain on the list.

It will not be possible to offer prospective parents individual visits to the Academy outside of the scheduled Open Evening/Morning sessions.

The full admission criteria is below